Friday, June 4

The Local Church

We must confess that we have failed. As the body of Christ (the Church). As individual Christians. As people. 

We must long to live like Christ. To belong to the body of Christ and long to bring change (transformation) in our lives, community and nation.
  • God's primary agent to carry out His redemptive agenda is the local church, ministering in a comprehensive, wholistic manner to man's physical, spiritual, social, and mental brokenness—as well as his broken relationships with other people and with the creation.
  • God intends for the church to manifest—to incarnate—the same compassion and service in this broken world that Jesus did, imitating His comprehensive, redemptive agenda.
  • Seed Projects provide a simple, helpful methodology that local churches can use to reach out wholistically to the brokenness in their community.

You are Welcome to the Samaritan Strategy West Africa!

We need to build Kingdom churches that are salt and light in their communities, willing to critique their culture and stand for justice and truth in the midst of corruption. We need to build churches, which understand that God’s character is compassionate and that He wants to manifest his compassion though the church. We need to disciple Kingdom Christians and build Kingdom Churches.

We are not merely to live a Christian lifestyle within the context of our culture: we are to live before the face of God (coram Deo) in ways that help redeem our culture and build our nations. The Great Commission is a call to disciple nations, “teaching them to obey all I have commanded you …”

God wants to redeem all tribes and nations for Himself. This begins, but doesn’t end with the evangelization of individuals. From there, one must disciple nations. His call is not just to disciple people to be merely religious, not only to hear all that Christ has taught, but to hold precious all He has taught.
Vision: The Model to Success

The vision of the Samaritan Strategy is to see engaged, credible, high-impact local churches, in critical mass, effecting real transformation in their communities and discipling their nations. Our mission is to launch and support movements of local churches around the world that are envisioned with a biblical worldview and equipped to practice a wholistic, incarnational ministry in all spheres of society. We accomplish this mission by advancing a specific set of ideas, or a “school of thought” rooted in the teachings of biblical worldview and wholistic development. 

Areas of emphasis include:
  • “Discipling Nations” as a vision for comprehensive transformation
  • The central role of local churches
  • The power of a biblical worldview in transforming culture
  • Emphasis on wholistic ministry practically lived out