Tuesday, September 7

Dearly Beloved, 

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains quake with their surging."Psalms 46:1-3.

Praise God for the month of August.
Thank God that He is good all the time.

Mercy Ship’s Pastors and Church Leaders Conference
Harvest was invited for the first Mercy Ships pastors conference in Lome, Togo. Due to Mercy Ships huge credibility in the nations, a good job of mobilizing of all the key leaders of the various denominations was done for this conference. Over three hundred pastors and Church leaders participated. Other facilitators also thought mental health care, agriculture, community health evangelism and medicine. With the five Church federations of this small country of Togo, this is the first opportunity to bring all the federations and denomination together for a three day conference and all Churches were duly represented from across the country.l shared my six sessions with Pastor Happy our country coordinator. At the end of the 3 days, one pastor retorted that “ This is the first time l have heard of the wholistic gospel, where the whole truth is spoken is all boldness without fear or favor”.

Transformation Time Radio Ministry
Thanks God our weekly Radio program “Transformation Time”, is making a lot of impact. An aged man of 75 years visited our office and said he has been a Christian for the past 40 years but recently, he has been confronted with many challenges and his life became so messy and meaningless. However, the radio program has brought real meaning and fruitfulness into his life. He concluded tearfully, “ I can now die peacefully” To God be the glory.

Benin Vision Conference
A four day Vision Conference and one day TOT was organized in Cotonou, Benin. Even though our team  worked very hard for this conference, it coincided with a “mega” pastors convention of healing and miracles with key speakers coming from Europe and the USA. However, the conference amongst others that we’ve had in this voodoo country, attracted thirty pastors and church leaders from 16 denominations. Amongst others, the participants were made up of some of the most serious minded pastors that l have come in contact with. They were so focused, took active part in discussion groups and their inputs were just superb. At the end of it all, a twenty member team for Benin was put together to ensure the enhancement of the wholistic transformational message which is so urgently needed in this small country, completely overwhelmed with voodoo worship.

PIC (L): Voodoo worship: sacrifice to the gods near our VC venue.   

PIC (R): New Samaritan Strategy Benin Team

Wholistic Community Leaders Training Program.
We started with the second phase of the Wholistic Community Leaders Training Program. 6 key leaders that were trained from the  Pokuase and Amasaman communities of Accra also went and train 4 each. With a number of 30, we divided them into two groups and gave these trainees  a top up training to prepare them to also train five people each. The excitement that has been generated in this multiplication module is just phenomenal. I praise God that He through Ubuntu is helping us to train community leaders at the grass root to be God’s agent of transformation in their various communities.

Family News and Prayer Requests
  • Thank God, Adjoa started with her annual leave, a time to rest.
  • From this week all the children are resuming to school. Thank God for our time together during the school vacation period. Kindly pray for Jennifer as she commences a new school year.
  • Pray for God provision for me. I need a new car. Every day, there is a kind of repairs on my old car and the repair cost keep on increasing day by day.
  • The Africa Working Group, the continental umbrella of Samaritan Strategy ministry will be meeting in Accra from the 12-15 Sept. Please kindly pray for us as we host this meeting for the first time, and also as we share, encourage and strategize for Africa in the coming year.
  • I will be attending the Starfish Expo at Fort Hill, US from the 16-20. Kindly pray for safe journeys and for the meeting which brings together like mindedness people in the area of transformation of the nations.
  • Pray for our Vision Conference in Akure, Nigeria from 20-24 Sept. Pray for Kyle Abts, Ishaya and Esther Amos and others l will be facilitating with.

Thanks so much for your prayers and kind support which has helped to expand God’s Kingdom in this part of Africa. God richly Bless you.

We invite you to participate in what God is doing in West Africa and Ghana in particular. Through your prayers and financial support. Kindly make checks payable to Harvest and send to P.O. Box 2670, Phoenix, AZ 85002. Include a note with the check designating the funds to “Chris & Adjoa Ampadu” All contributions are tax deductible.
Before His face,

Chris Ampadu
Samaritan Strategy, 
West Africa Office.

September '10 Greetings (ENGLISH & FRENCH)

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you” Luke 9:23. 1Peter 5:7.

Praise God for all your prayer support for the past month. God is indeed good all the time. Mercy Ships did an excellent work in bringing together over 300 pastors and church leaders across Togo for the pastors conference and by God’s grace my facilitation with Pastor Happy our Togo representative was just excellent. The Benin Vision Conference in Cotonou was just great. A new Benin team has been put together to help expand the wholistic transformational vision in all corners of the country. Additionally, our community leadership transformational training has just commenced and we hope to expand it to other part of the West Africa region soon.

To practice wholistic ministry, it is essential that we see people as Jesus sees them—not as disembodied “souls,” not as evolving physical machines with no spirit, but as a wholistic integration of body, mind and spirit. To reduce people to any one of these parts—or even to say that one part  is more important than the others—cannot be supported in Scripture. God cares for whole people, and so must we. Psalm 24:1 says, “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Abraham Kuyper famously paraphrased this verse when he said: “There is not a square inch of the universe over which King Jesus does not claim, ‘Mine!’” A ministry that is wholistic is driven by this motto. It sets its agenda with questions like these: If Jesus were mayor of my community, what would be different? If Jesus were ruler of my nation, what changes would he make? If God’s will were perfectly done “on earth as it is in heaven” what would change? Once we have answers to these questions, we know what our ministry must address.

Remember, “If the Church fails to disciple the nations, the nations will disciple the Church”. Thanks and God Bless.  Kindly pray our Africa Working Group meeting in Accra from 12-15 Sept; the Starfish Expo in the US from 16-20 and our Vision Conference in Akure, Nigeria 20-24 Sept..  Until next month, don’t forget to live a life of “Coram Deo” ie living a consistent life before the face of God.
Before His face!

(VEUILLEZ me pardonner mes FRANÇAIS, c'est mieux que de vous écrire au ANGLAIS)
Très chers amis,
Grâce et paix à vous de par Dieu notre Père et du Seigneur Jésus-Christ.
"Casting tous vos soins sur lui, car il prend soin de vous” Luc 9:23, 1Pierre 5:7.
Louange à Dieu pour tout votre soutien prière pour le mois passé. Dieu est bien bon en tout temps. Mercy Ships a fait un excellent travail en réunissant plus de 300 pasteurs et responsables d'Eglises au Togo pour la conférence des pasteurs et par la grâce de Dieu mon facilitation avec le pasteur joyeux de notre représentant du Togo a été excellent. Le Bénin Vision Conférence à Cotonou était tout simplement génial. Une nouvelle équipe Bénin a été mis sur pied pour aider à élargir la vision holistique de transformation dans tous les coins du pays. En outre, la formation de nos dirigeants de la communauté de transformation vient de commencer et nous espérons l'étendre à d'autres parties de la région Afrique de l'Ouest bientôt.

Pour la pratique du ministère holistique, il est essentiel que nous voyons des gens comme Jésus les voit non pas comme désincarnée "âmes", pas que l'évolution des machines physiques sans esprit, mais comme une intégration holistique du corps et l'esprit. Afin de réduire les gens à l'un quelconque de ces parties, ou même de dire qu'une partie est plus importante que les autres, ne peuvent être pris en charge dans l'Écriture. Dieu prend soin de tout un peuple, et nous devons donc. Psaume 24:1 dit: «la terre appartient au Seigneur, et tout en elle, le monde, et tous ceux qui y vivent." Abraham Kuyper célèbre paraphrase ce verset en disant: "Il n'y a pas un pouce carré de l'univers plus que le roi n'a pas la prétention de Jésus, "à moi!" Un ministère qui est holistique est entraînée par cette devise. Il fixe son ordre du jour avec des questions comme celles-ci: Si Jésus n'était mayor1 de ma communauté, ce qui serait différent? Si Jésus était maître de ma nation, quels changements il faire? Si la volonté de Dieu était parfaitement fait "sur la terre comme au ciel» ce que cela changerait? Dès que nous aurons des réponses à ces questions, nous savons ce que notre ministère doit traiter.

Rappelez-vous: "Si l'Eglise ne parvient pas à disciple les nations, les nations disciple de l'Eglise". Merci et que Dieu bénisse. Veuillez prier notre Afrique Groupe de travail de réunion à Accra du 12 au 15 sept.; l'Expo Starfish dans les Etats-Unis de 16-20 et de notre vision de la Conférence en Akure, Nigeria 20 au 24 septembre Au mois prochain, n'oubliez pas de vivre une vie de "Coram Deo", à savoir vivre une vie conforme à la face de Dieu.

Devant son visage!

Tuesday, July 6

Samaritan Greetings: July 2010

Dearly Beloved,
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
"What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!. We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” Romans 6:1-2.

Thanks so much for all your collaboration and prayer support. Our second West Africa regional mentoring program ended successfully in Accra. Seventeen (17) participants from Niger, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Japan attended.  The enthusiasm to learn and be equipped with new insights, excitements, prayers and fellowship was just wonderful. Beloved, we cannot continue in the same type of Christianity that has only converted souls but has not been able to transform lives and societies. God’s children are now taking their rightful positions to be God’s agent of transformation in our societies including politics and governance, commerce and business, civil and public societies and in the market place, legal and justice system etc. We cannot be passive observers shouting “ Amens” without doing anything about the high corruption in Africa, poverty, hunger, hatred and the ‘pull him down’ syndrome. We have to  be proactive, very active participants of all of God’s intentions on earth, representing Him in every domain of life. This is our day, our time to assiduously work to make God’s Kingdom, come on earth as it is in Heaven!

“If the Church fails to disciple the nations, the nations will disciple the Church”.

Thanks so much for this opportunity, please continue to support us in your prayers:  Praise God, the US team visit to us was very successful. This week, there is a consultation meeting of Church leaders, business people and politicians in Lome, Togo. It is pioneered by our team leader, Pastor Happy and l will be part of it, kindly pray with us. Pray for Mercy Ship’s Pastors and Church leaders conference in Togo of which the wholistic message and worldview and development message will be widely exposed, please do pray for us. Continue to partner with us as you pray for our programs and activities across the nations of Africa. Until next month, don’t forget to live a life of “Coram Deo” ie always living a consistent life before the face of God.

Before His face,
Chris Ampadu

(Désolé pour mon mauvais Français)
Biens aimes, 
Que la grâce et la paix de Dieu,  de notre Seigneur Jésus Christ vous soient  accordées:
"Que dirons-nous, alors? Irons-nous dans le péché afin que la grâce abonde? En aucune façon!. Nous qui sommes morts au péché, comment pouvons-nous y vivre plus longtemps?"
Romains 6:1-2. 

Merci beaucoup pour tout votre collaboration et soutien par la prière. Notre deuxième programme de mentorat Afrique de l'Ouest s'est terminée avec succès régional à Accra. Dix-sept (17) participants du Niger, Togo, Bénin, Nigeria, Ghana, Côte-d'Ivoire et le Japon y ont participé. L'enthousiasme à apprendre et à être équipé avec de nouvelles idées, émotions, des prières et des bourses a été tout simplement merveilleux. Bien-aimés, nous ne pouvons pas continuer dans le même type de christianisme qui a seulement transformé les âmes, mais n'a pas été en mesure de transformer des vies et des sociétés. enfants de Dieu prennent désormais des positions légitimes d'être agent de Dieu de la transformation de nos sociétés, y compris la politique et la gouvernance, le commerce et les affaires, la société civile et publique et à la place du marché, juridique, etc système de justice Nous ne pouvons pas être des observateurs passifs criant: «Amen "sans rien faire au sujet de la corruption de haut en Afrique, la pauvreté, la faim, la haine et le« lui tirer en bas »syndrome. Nous devons être proactifs, des participants très actifs de l'ensemble des intentions de Dieu sur terre, qui le représente dans tous les domaines de la vie. C'est notre jour, notre temps de travail sans relâche de faire le Royaume de Dieu, venu sur la terre comme au ciel! 

"Si l’Église échoue dans le discipolat des nations, ce sont les nations qui feront le discipolat de l’Eglise".

Merci pour cette opportunité ; continuez de nous soutenir dans la prière. Dieu soit loué, la visite de l'équipe des États-Unis nous a été très fructueuse. Cette semaine, il ya une réunion de consultation des dirigeants de l'Église, les gens d'affaires et les politiciens à Lomé, au Togo. Il est mis au point par notre chef d'équipe, le pasteur heureux et Je vais en faire partie, veuillez prier avec nous. Priez pour les pasteurs Mercy Ship's et des dirigeants religieux de conférence au Togo dont le message holistique et de la vision et le message de développement seront largement exposés, s'il vous plaît priez pour nous. Continuer de collaborer avec nous comme vous priez pour nos programmes et nos activités dans les pays d'Afrique. D’ ici la n’oubliez pas de vivre une vie Coram Deo, c’est à dire, vivre chaque instant de notre vie comme étant  devant la face de Dieu.

Chris Ampadu

Friday, July 2

Seed Project Story from Niger Republic

Pastor Wakasso from Niamey, Niger recounted how his small poor church of 150 members responded to the Haiti earthquake. “Having leant from Chris how to demonstrate God love through Seed Project, the Haiti disaster touched my hearts and l shared with my Church what we can do to help. Niger is the poorest country in the world but my church was able to raise $200 which was sent to Haiti. The next thing that happened was that we saw our name on the internet as one Church in Niger that has contributed something to help the people of Haiti. When the big churches of Niamey saw this, they said, if even a small church like ours in a country which we all claim to be poor have contributed to help Haiti, then we can also do something. Because of this small gift of ours, churches in Niger started contributing some gifts to the people of Niger. Praise the Lord”.

Friday, June 4

The Local Church

We must confess that we have failed. As the body of Christ (the Church). As individual Christians. As people. 

We must long to live like Christ. To belong to the body of Christ and long to bring change (transformation) in our lives, community and nation.
  • God's primary agent to carry out His redemptive agenda is the local church, ministering in a comprehensive, wholistic manner to man's physical, spiritual, social, and mental brokenness—as well as his broken relationships with other people and with the creation.
  • God intends for the church to manifest—to incarnate—the same compassion and service in this broken world that Jesus did, imitating His comprehensive, redemptive agenda.
  • Seed Projects provide a simple, helpful methodology that local churches can use to reach out wholistically to the brokenness in their community.

You are Welcome to the Samaritan Strategy West Africa!

We need to build Kingdom churches that are salt and light in their communities, willing to critique their culture and stand for justice and truth in the midst of corruption. We need to build churches, which understand that God’s character is compassionate and that He wants to manifest his compassion though the church. We need to disciple Kingdom Christians and build Kingdom Churches.

We are not merely to live a Christian lifestyle within the context of our culture: we are to live before the face of God (coram Deo) in ways that help redeem our culture and build our nations. The Great Commission is a call to disciple nations, “teaching them to obey all I have commanded you …”

God wants to redeem all tribes and nations for Himself. This begins, but doesn’t end with the evangelization of individuals. From there, one must disciple nations. His call is not just to disciple people to be merely religious, not only to hear all that Christ has taught, but to hold precious all He has taught.
Vision: The Model to Success

The vision of the Samaritan Strategy is to see engaged, credible, high-impact local churches, in critical mass, effecting real transformation in their communities and discipling their nations. Our mission is to launch and support movements of local churches around the world that are envisioned with a biblical worldview and equipped to practice a wholistic, incarnational ministry in all spheres of society. We accomplish this mission by advancing a specific set of ideas, or a “school of thought” rooted in the teachings of biblical worldview and wholistic development. 

Areas of emphasis include:
  • “Discipling Nations” as a vision for comprehensive transformation
  • The central role of local churches
  • The power of a biblical worldview in transforming culture
  • Emphasis on wholistic ministry practically lived out